Our expert agency for site plants, for rapid expansion.

Site factories are attracting a great deal of interest in the web and project management fields. Our Drupal agency has been renewing itself for over 18 years, offering ever more innovative solutions.

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Create, manage and update

Site factories let you easily create, manage and update multiple websites. This means you can respond quickly to your business needs by launching new sites or updating existing ones.

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Optimizing costs

Site factories offer cost optimization through economies of scale. By managing multiple sites from a centralized platform, you make substantial savings in terms of time and money. Development, hosting and maintenance costs are reduced thanks to this approach.

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Standardize and customize

These platforms allow you to standardize and customize your sites. You can have a common theme for all your sites, while adapting them individually if necessary. This simplifies management while offering the flexibility required.

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Centralizing your data

Centralizing data and tools is also a major advantage. Site factories allow you to integrate your data, content management systems (CMS), ERP systems and marketing tools, simplifying the management of your entire web ecosystem.

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Simplified maintenance and updates

Essential for the security and performance of your sites. With a site factory, you can update and maintain all your sites at the click of a button, guaranteeing their security and optimal operation.

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Speed up production

Site factories offer templatized versions of your sites, accelerating the speed of new site creation.

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Reducing the risk of cyber attacks

When it comes to security, site factories help reduce the risk of cyber attacks by minimizing potential vulnerabilities through automated updates and robust data governance.

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Share the accessibility of your media and data

Finally, simplified collaboration is a key element, with a shared back office facilitating the contribution of all collaborators, thus fostering collaboration and productivity.

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