Drupal maintenance: secure and optimize your site with expert ongoing maintenance.

In today's digital ecosystem, Drupal maintenance via TMA is crucial to securing and optimizing your online presence.

Parker+Parker, is the ideal partner to meet this challenge. We guarantee the performance, security and ongoing evolution of your Drupal site, ensuring its compliance with the latest trends and requirements.

Understanding the importance of TMA (Third-Party Application Maintenance) for your Drupal site

TMA in a nutshell

In the dynamic world of web technologies, Third-Party Application Maintenance (TMA) represents an essential pillar for the durability and performance of websites. It encompasses a set of services designed to ensure the smooth running, updating and evolution of an application or website after it has gone into production.

Why is regular maintenance and updating so important?

In today's digital ecosystem, keeping your site up to date with the latest security patches and updates is crucial, especially for CMS like Drupal. This effectively prevents hacking risks and ensures optimum data protection.

A website with up-to-date information, free from broken links, guarantees not only security but also the relevance of your online presence. You also optimize the user experience, thanks to continuous improvement that makes your site faster, more intuitive and more pleasant to navigate. To better understand what's at stake, we'll detail the different types and levels of maintenance.

Les 4 niveaux de maintenances Drupal que nous assurons

Drupal predictive maintenance

At Parker+Parker, Drupal predictive maintenance is a proactive approach. It optimizes your site's performance by anticipating potential failures and scheduling interventions with precision. This strategy goes beyond routine maintenance, using data to prevent problems before they occur, maximizing the sustainability and security of your site.

Drupal preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance is a strategic approach, involving regular inspections, planning, record-keeping and the use of specialized software. It aims to avoid unexpected breakdowns and downtime, which can be costly and detrimental to your business.

Drupal evolutionary maintenance

Drupal evolutionary maintenance ensures that your website keeps pace with the latest technological developments. It involves regularly updating modules and features to align with the most stringent security standards and current web trends, ensuring your site's optimal compatibility and performance.

Drupal corrective maintenance

Corrective maintenance is used to repair problems after they have occurred. It ensures that the site functions quickly and efficiently. However, an approach that limits itself to corrective maintenance can lead to repeated failures, ultimately affecting site performance and reliability.

Recognized expertise in Drupal site maintenance

With over 20 years of experience in Drupal performance, Parker+Parker is an agency committed to maintaining your site so that it never gets in the way of your business.

Our team of experts constantly monitors technology, to identify and implement necessary updates, upgrades and patches.

Parker+Parker, official Acquia partner

Our expertise with Drupal has earned us an official partnership with Acquia, the benchmark in Drupal platforms for the digital experience, particularly for site-based factory projects.

Acquia offers a complete and superior user experience for companies seeking the technical precision inherent in Drupal, which is itself the solution of choice for website development.

Our TMA methodology: a 5-step approach

1. Needs analysis and understanding

A crucial first step where we get to know your objectives, constraints, and desires. A thorough understanding of your needs is essential for effective maintenance.

2. Customized audits and recommendations

We carry out in-depth audits of your site, hosting and project, and provide you with customized recommendations to ensure the efficiency and security of your platform.

3. Implementation of tools and procedures

We take over and implement the tools and procedures needed for optimal management of your site. Monitoring and reporting tools give you access to automatic reports, in real time and with complete autonomy.

4. Targeted corrections and upgrades

We step in to make the necessary corrections and upgrades. Our responsiveness and handling of incidents ensure rapid resolution of anomalies in collaboration with your hosting provider.

5. Production start-up and ongoing monitoring

After the interventions, we ensure production start-up and continuous monitoring to guarantee optimal operation on an ongoing basis.

Get in touch to manage your TMA?

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