Intranet and Extranet Drupal: unify your resources for greater efficiency.

Capitalizing on these strengths, Parker+Parker has positioned itself as a specialist in the efficient implementation of Drupal solutions for over 18 years, ensuring optimal management and enhanced collaboration within your organization.

Unified access and security

Drupal facilitates the implementation of a Single Sign-On (SSO) system, offering easy and secure access to the platform for all users.

Content access and user management

This CMS enables precise configuration of content areas, with flexible management of access rights by assigning or removing permissions to users.


Drupal excels in website and intranet/extranet customization, enabling the creation of personalized platforms that meet specific needs in terms of user experience.

Communication and collaboration tools

Spaces dedicated to internal communication, shared calendars and the distribution of guidelines via a dedicated publishing system significantly improve communication and collaboration within teams.

Gestion de la documentation

Un système de gestion de fichiers robuste permet le stockage sécurisé et le partage de divers types de documents.

Gestion des ressources humaines

Drupal offre des outils administratifs intégrés pour le suivi et la gestion efficace des demandes de congés et bien d’autres solutions. 

Fonctions de recherche avancée

Avec ses solutions de recherche personnalisable, Drupal permet une recherche approfondie grâce à des options de filtrage avancé, la reconnaissance textuelle et la recherche approximative.

Synergies avec plateformes externes

La plateforme assure une intégration aisée avec des CRM externes et outils de Marketing Automation, renforçant ainsi l'efficacité opérationnelle.

The pros and cons of Drupal CMS for your intranet/extranet

The benefits

Highly customizable:

Drupal stands out for its ability to offer extensive customization, both on the visual and functional aspects of the intranet/extranet, to perfectly match the unique requirements of each organization.

A less expensive solution than dedicated ones:

Opting for a CMS like Drupal reduces development costs, avoiding the need to code a solution from scratch, a major constraint of previous solutions.

Scalability for large-scale projects:

Drupal is highly scalable, capable of adapting to business expansion in terms of data volume and number of users.

Superior security:

Drupal's reputation for security is well established, offering advanced features to protect sensitive data exchanged within intranets and extranets.

An open-source community of developers:

As an open-source CMS, Drupal enjoys the support of a vast community of developers, enriching the platform with a wide range of modules and themes.

Easy Integration with Other Systems:

Drupal integrates easily with a variety of enterprise systems and applications, facilitating synergy between the intranet/extranet and other essential digital tools.

>Drupal is an open-source CMS.


The learning curve:

Drupal is complex, often requiring training or the help of an experienced developer.

Existing development costs:

Custom development in Drupal can be more expensive than other CMSs, justified by its advantages in terms of customization and scalability.

Required maintenance:

Drupal requires regular maintenance for the site's security and smooth operation.

drupal logo


The ideal CMS for all projects, guaranteeing flexibility and robustness.


Simplifies the use of Drupal, offering a complete digital experience platform.



The PHP framework that brings power and flexibility to Drupal projects.

Our 5-step methodology for creating a Drupal intranet / extranet

1. Needs analysis

This first step is crucial to the success of the project.

We begin with a detailed assessment of the company's needs and the suitability of Drupal for the project's objectives.

This involves in-depth discussions to understand the desired functionality, necessary integrations and long-term goals.

2. Design and planning

Based on the needs analysis, this phase focuses on setting up the Drupal architecture according to the specifics required by the project.

We draw up a detailed plan, including site structure, design, content workflows, and security, to ensure that the final solution will perfectly meet the organization's needs.


3. Development and testing

With a clear roadmap, we move on to custom module development and intranet/extranet customization.

Our development process follows coding best practices and includes rigorous testing phases to guarantee site quality and performance.

4. Launch and training

Once development and testing are complete, we proceed with the site launch. But our work doesn't stop there.

We also offer training sessions for end users and administrators, ensuring a smooth transition to the new platform and successful adoption by all users.


5. Support and maintenance

After launch, Parker+Parker continues to provide support through maintenance and support services.

This includes security updates, functional enhancements and technical support to ensure that the intranet/extranet remains high-performing, secure and up-to-date with the latest technologies.


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