Expert online calculator agency

Online calculators are essential tools for delivering a personalized, interactive user experience. By automating complex calculations, they simplify processes and improve the accuracy of results. Find out how our tailor-made solutions can transform your business and optimize user engagement.

What is an online simulator or calculator?

Definition and purpose

An online simulator or calculator is an interactive tool that allows users to perform complex calculations directly from a web interface. These tools are designed to simplify processes that require precise calculations, such as quotes, estimates or forecasts.

Common uses

Simulators and calculators are used in various sectors such as real estate, finance, insurance and industry. They enable users to calculate loans, taxes, energy savings, and much more, offering an enriched user experience and more informed decision-making.

Why choose custom calculators for your business?

1/ Increase efficiency and accuracy

A custom simulator automates complex calculations and reduces the risk of human error. It improves the accuracy of results and the efficiency of processes, making it easier to manage day-to-day operations.

2/ Improve user engagement

Interactive simulators engage users by enabling them to manipulate variables in real time and obtain immediate results. They promote greater engagement and customer satisfaction through a personalized experience.

Avantages des solutions sur-mesure

Industry-specific calculations

Our solutions handle complex calculations specific to your field, guaranteeing relevant results tailored to your business.

Integration of customized data

Each simulator can integrate data specific to your business, such as customized tariffs, geographical information or sector indicators.

UX improvement

A well-designed simulator dramatically improves the user experience, simplifying calculation steps and offering an intuitive, fluid interface.

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Our development process

Initial consultation and project definition

The process begins with a consultation to understand your specific requirements and define the necessary functionality. This step ensures that the simulator perfectly meets your company's expectations.

Design and development

Once the objectives have been defined, our teams take charge of designing and developing the simulator, paying particular attention to the ergonomics of the interface and the fluidity of user interactions.

Testing and integration

Prior to launch, extensive testing is carried out to ensure calculation accuracy and compatibility with your existing infrastructure. The simulator is then integrated into your website or application.

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How much does it cost to develop a customized simulator?

The cost varies according to the complexity of the simulator and the features required. After an initial analysis, we'll provide you with a detailed quote tailored to your project.

How long does the development process take?

Development time depends on the scope of the project, but our optimized processes allow us to deliver working simulators within reasonable times.

Can simulators be integrated with existing systems?

Yes, our simulators are designed to be integrated into your existing systems, be they CMS, CRM or other third-party platforms.