Improve your digital interface with a complete UX audit

Optimizing the ergonomics of your web interface is essential to delivering a fluid and effective user experience. Thanks to an in-depth analysis, the UX audit helps identify areas for improvement, boost user engagement and increase the performance of your digital product.

Transform your digital experience with our UX audit

The UX audit reveals the strengths and weaknesses of your interface, paving the way for concrete opportunities to improve the ergonomics and design of your application or website.

Why do a UX audit?

A UX audit assesses the key elements that influence the user journey and analyzes how users interact with your digital interfaces. It helps to resolve usability issues and maximize the effectiveness of your product.

Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the user experience

UX assessment highlights successful aspects of the interface while identifying areas for improvement, such as elements that disrupt the user or slow down their journey.

Discover optimization opportunities and quick wins

The audit detects areas for optimization that can quickly generate positive results, both for usability and user engagement. These quick wins can include simple adjustments to design or placement of key elements.

When should you carry out a UX audit?

It's advisable to carry out a UX audit when redesigning an interface, launching a new application or when you notice a drop in user performance. Regular evaluation of interfaces ensures that they evolve in line with user needs.

Our complete UX audit process


Defining objectives and scope

The audit begins by defining objectives in relation to your digital product. Each interface is analyzed, taking into account specific usability criteria and user expectations.


Conducting an in-depth assessment

The UX assessment includes user testing, journey analysis and interface inspection to identify flaws and opportunities for improvement.


personnalisation custom
Provide detailed recommendations

An ergonomic audit report offers concrete recommendations, based on the results of the analysis, with tailored solutions to improve the user experience.


Principaux avantages de notre audit UX

Improving usability and accessibility

Ergonomics plays a crucial role in the usability of your interface. An audit ensures that your product meets accessibility and usability criteria, for all users.

Increase conversion rates and user engagement

Optimized interfaces, designed according to proven UX criteria, increase conversion rates by offering greater fluidity and interactivity, improving the overall experience.

Reducing user frustration and support requests

Removing obstacles in the user journey, an ergonomic audit reduces user frustration and limits requests assistance, while improving interface perception.

Why choose our UX expertise?

With a rigorous methodology and proven analysis tools, each UX audit is carried out with particular attention to the specific needs of each digital project.

What to expect from our UX audit report?

Illustrated screenshots and results

The report includes screenshots detailing the strengths and weaknesses of the audited interfaces, making it easier to understand the issues identified.

Detailed concrete recommendations

Each point raised in the audit is accompanied by clear, actionable recommendations for optimizing the usability and design of your digital product.

Action prioritization and planning

The actions to be taken are prioritized to ensure effective implementation and rapid improvements on critical elements of your interface.


How do you carry out an ergonomic audit?

An ergonomic audit is based on evaluation of usability criteria, user testing, and analysis of interface design to identify areas for improvement.

What is a UX audit?

A UX audit is an analysis of the user experience of a digital interface. It evaluates user interactions to optimize navigation and usability.

What is ergonomics in UX design?

Ergonomics in UX design is about creating interfaces that are intuitive, easy to use and adapted to users' needs.

What are UX audits?

UX audits analyze the effectiveness of a website or application, focusing on the user experience.

What are the three types of audit?

The three types of audit are: the heuristic audit, the user test based audit, and the quantitative and qualitative user data analysis

based audit.

What other audits do we carry out?

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