RGAA / WCAG accessibility audit for your website

Guaranteeing the digital accessibility of your website is essential to comply with regulatory guidelines such as the RGAA, WCAG, and European standard EN 301 549. An accessibility audit helps identify the barriers faced by users with disabilities, while ensuring that your site meets legal requirements for digital inclusion. By carrying out an accessibility audit, you maximize accessibility for all your users while ensuring your legal compliance.

Our digital accessibility audit


Why choose our accessibility audit?

A comprehensive accessibility audit enables you to assess the compliance of your digital media with RGAA criteria and international standards such as WCAG. Our approach emphasizes accurate testing, adaptation to different digital media, and post-audit support to guarantee sustainable, ongoing compliance.

Our accessibility audits

We offer audits tailored to various types of digital media to meet the specific needs of your organization :
Web audit: Compliance analysis of web pages and online applications.
Mobile app audit: assessing the accessibility of mobile apps on all platforms.
Design review and UX: Examining ergonomics and user experience to maximize accessibility.
Editorial content audit: checking text and multimedia content for clarity, readability and conformity.
Software and digital infrastructure audit: Analysis of the accessibility of the systems and infrastructures used in your company.

Notre processus d’audit d’accessibilité

surveillance et veille

Initial consultation and sample selection

An accessibility audit begins with a consultation to define your specific needs and select a representative sample of the digital pages and services to be audited. The audit objectives are set taking into account legal requirements and possible exemptions depending on the context of your organization.


Executing the accessibility audit

The audit is then carried out using specific tests for each accessibility criterion. Our experts use customized test grids based on the RGAA reference framework, as well as tools such as screen readers to simulate the interactions of users with disabilities.


Reports and comments

On completion of the audit, we deliver a detailed report of the results with an analysis of the non-conformities identified. A feedback meeting is organized to explain the results and clarify the corrective actions to be taken.

accessibilité rgaa

Additional services and support

The audit doesn't end with the delivery of the report. We offer post-audit support to accompany the correction of identified non-conformities and help you maintain ongoing compliance through regular audits and periodic updates.

How about an accessibility audit?

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* Champs obligatoires

Ils nous font confiance


What is a Web accessibility audit?

A web accessibility audit consists of analyzing a site or application to verify its compliance with accessibility standards (such as the RGAA and WCAG) and identify obstacles encountered by users with disabilities.

How to obtain RGAA certification

RGAA certification is obtained by carrying out an accessibility audit to ensure that your site or application complies with the criteria of the RGAA reference framework. A declaration of conformity can then be published on your site.

Who is subject to the digital accessibility obligation?

In France, public administrations, as well as companies offering services to the public, are required to comply with the digital accessibility requirements defined by the RGAA.

What are the 4 principles of accessibility?

Perceptible: Information should be presented in a way that can be perceived by all users.
Usable: The user interface must be functional and easy to use.
Comprehensible: Information and interface must be easy to understand.
Robust: Content must be reliably interpreted by different types of tools, including assistive technologies.