Jeudi 08 août 2024
La conception de votre site laisse à désirer ?

    Your website design leaves something to be desired?


    As part of your business, you've had a website developed (shop window, e-commerce site, information site...). You've called on an ESN or specialized agency that you know or that has been recommended to you. However, the site is not a success and has various flaws. Let's see together what they are and how to solve them!

    What are the most frequent flaws of a poorly designed site?

    It's easy to identify website design problems that can have a major impact on a company's business.

    • The site doesn't generate leads/sell: what's worse than an e-commerce site that doesn't meet its sales targets? or a showcase site that doesn't bring in any contacts? If this is the case with your site, you need to ask yourself some questions. How were the CTAs designed upstream? Has the previous upload been well done? Does the code respect the rules of the art of development? Are all the SEO elements in place? You can find out this information by doing a site audit, for example. Companies like AT Internet ( let you find out exactly how your site is performing, so you can improve its design. Once you've identified the problem, it will be easier to focus on improving the site.


    • Your site design is outdated: the design of your website is paramount to ensuring quality traffic. It's necessary to avoid too bright colors as well as too many graphics and media. But don't overlook the importance of video format. In fact, by 2022, video will account for 82% of global internet traffic! So you need to select the video elements you want to highlight on your website with care. Beware, however, of the impact on loading time - we'll tell you all about it right after!"


    • Your site's loading time is too long: we talked about this earlier, too much media can detract from the site's aesthetics. It can also considerably increase your website's loading time. This is an important factor to take into account when you consider that 53% of visitors leave a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load, and that a page that takes 6 seconds to load will suffer a conversion loss of almost 50%.


    • There are few or no social links: giving the opportunity to share your website's content with the visitor's entourage and community is very important. It's the guarantee of quality, organic traffic. It also increases the site's audience and gives visibility to the brand. Among the must-haves: Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Linkedin !


    • Contributing to your site is complicated: a complex back-office interface can often make contributing site content laborious. Little by little, the site stops being alive and updated. Yet these seemingly tedious web tasks can be facilitated by an interface conducive to contribution. The interface is therefore a very important element to take into account early on in the design of the website. In particular, it will depend on the choice of CMS. Wordpress is a reliable solution, known for its simplified interface thanks in particular to Elementor. Drupal and the Layout builder are also ideal alternatives, as is block-based construction. Your agency can support you on a day-to-day basis to help you feed your website with peace of mind and bring it to life.


    • Your site is poorly or not referenced : your content impacts your search engine ranking in real time. But your site's code impacts it just as much. It's necessary to keep in mind the importance of tags in order to favor your good positioning. 75% of Internet users never get to the second search page on Google!


    • The user experience needs to be reviewed: a disorganized menu, an incoherent tree structure, poor content, display problems... examples of poor design that leads to a disappointed visitor are numerous. 70% of online businesses fail because of poor ergonomics. These elements need to be taken into account upstream of the online launch to ensure optimal operation. Don't skimp on responsiv testing! The majority of internet users today are on mobile (59%), which is considerable.


    What to do if you realize your site has been poorly designed?

    Don't panic, it's perfectly possible to intervene on a site with design flaws. A poorly designed site is not inevitable, and can be improved by calling in an expert partner who masters the design upstream and maintenance afterwards. It's important to act quickly when you realize that a site needs to be changed, because the impact on your company's business can be substantial. Need a clearer idea of what you need to do to prepare for a redesign? Find the 20 mistakes to avoid part 1 and part 2 .