Jeudi 08 août 2024
Tout savoir sur les tokens dans Drupal

Les "tokens" (ou “jetons”) permettent de personnaliser un site web sans avoir à coder manuellement chaque élément. Ils permettent de remplacer dynamiquement des valeurs spécifiques telles que les noms d'utilisateurs, les dates, des URL et bien plus encore. Dans cet article, nous allons les explorer en profondeur et découvrir comment ils peuvent être utilisés pour améliorer l'expérience sur votre site.

    Getting to grips with tokens in Drupal

    These tokens are very useful and save time in project design and management.

    What is a token

    A token is an element of code that dynamically presents a specific value. It is used toautomatically replace one piece of informationwith a similar one. It makes it quick and easy to customize your site.

    Tokens are also used to personalize content and messages, such asaccount confirmation emails, comment notificationsand much more. Here are two common examples:

    • [site:name] displays the name of the site.
    • [user:mail] displays the e-mail address of the logged-in user.

    What are the different types?

    There are several types, including:

    • Global tokens, which represent general information such as the name of the site, the webmaster's e-mail address and so on.
    • User tokens which represent information specific to the logged-in user, first name, e-mail address, role, etc.
    • Content tokens that represent information specific to a page or specific content: page title, URL path, author name, etc.
    • Field tokens that represent information specific to a particular field of a piece of content.

    You can also create custom tokens usingmodules such as Token Customto add extra functionality to their site.

    How to use tokens in Drupal

    Concretely, how do you create and use a token? Here are a few hints and tips.

    How to create and manage them properly?

    To achieve this, you can use the Token module which provides a convenient interface for managing default tokens and allows you to create new custom ones.

    Tip: consider using the preview function. It lets you see in real time how a token will appear on the site.

    This helps avoid syntax errors. You'll find it in: Site administration -> Configuration -> Development tools -> Token.

    How to use tokens?

    They're easy to use. Simplyinsert these code elements into the text areas of pages, posts and emails. You can usetheWYSIWYG editor or by entering the token code directly into the plain text editor.

    A token can also be used in a custom module to display dynamic information.

    How to use tokens in fields and chain entities?

    Their use is also very practical within custom fields, for example, content fields such as titles, descriptions, summaries and images... Just use the field configuration interface.

    Chained entitiesare entities that have relationships with other entities. In this case, tokens can be used to displaydynamic, customized information.

    Token modules in Drupal

    Various modules downloadable from can help you with the design and management of these "tokens".

    The 3 most commonly used modules

    The Token module is the main one, but there are others available. Here's a short list:

    • Entity Token which provides tokens for Drupal entities,
    • Token Filter lets you use tokens in text fields and messages,
    • Custom Tokens lets you create custom tokens with simple syntax.

    Many benefits at different levels

    Including "tokens" in your strategy has many advantages. Here are just a few.

    Simplify content management while personalizing the user experience

    Tokens simplify content management by allowing you to add dynamic, personalized content elements easily.

    For example, you can write articles thatinclude dynamic elements depending on the specifics of your visitors (geographical location, preferences...).

    Simply improve your project's security

    Tokens contribute to improved security by reducing the risk of code injection attacksby avoiding the need to enter information directly into text fields.

    They also make it possible to limit the sensitive data exposed in site pages and posts,you can restrict tokens to certain parts of the site. This can help prevent data breaches.

    Good practice in using tokens

    As we've seen, there are many advantages to using tokens. Here are a few more tips to help you.

    Errors to avoid when creating and using tokens

    First of all, it's important not to use special characters or spaces in token names, as this can cause errors.

    Next, it's also important not to add too many tokens to a single page or post, as this can slow loading time and affect site performance.

    Finally, it's important tokeep tokens up-to-date and check them regularly to avoid security errors.

    How to optimize the use of tokens to improve performance

    To optimize the use of tokens and improve site performance, it's advisable to follow a few best practices. First of all, it's important tolimit their number on a single page or post.

    It's also recommended to use simple syntax rather than complex tokens not least to reduce the processing load on the server.

    Finally, it's recommended to use third-party modules such as Entity Token.


    Do tokens hold any secrets for you? Then let's discuss your project together Drupal.