Jeudi 08 août 2024
Méthodes de gestion de projet : laquelle est la bonne ?

Dans le monde de la gestion de projet, on retrouve souvent la même question. Quelle méthode de gestion de projet adopter pour garantir le succès d'un projet ? Cet article se propose d'explorer en profondeur les principales méthodes de gestion de projet, en les classant en trois grandes catégories : les méthodes traditionnelles, les approches agiles et les méthodes hybrides. Au programme : fondements, fonctionnement, avantages et inconvénients.

    Traditional project management methods

    In the field of project management, traditional methods have long been regarded as indispensable pillars for successfully completing projects. Among these approaches, the waterfall method, also known as the V cycle method V, occupies a prominent place.

    Definition and principles of the cascade method

    The cascade method is based on a linear and sequential process, where each phase of the project is carried out in a gradual manner, following a predefined order. In practical terms, this means that each stage must be completed before moving on to the next, creating a rigid and well-defined structure.

    This project management model is generally structured around the following stages:

    • Requirements analysis:This initial phase aims to gather and understand the project requirements, clearly identifying the objectives to be achieved.
    • Design: Once the requirements have been established, the teams work to design a solution that will meet the requirements defined during the initial analysis.
    • Development:This stage involves implementing the designed solution, by developing the various elements of the project.
    • Testing and validation:Once development is complete, tests are carried out to ensure that the solution meets the established specifications and the customer's needs.
    • Production deployment and maintenance: Finally, once the solution has been validated, it is deployed in production and maintenance activities are carried out to ensure its smooth operation over the long term.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the waterfall method

    The waterfall method has several advantages, including its simplicity and ease of understanding. Its linear structure also allows strict control of costs and deadlines, making it an attractive choice for projects where requirements are clearly defined from the outset.

    However, this approach can also have certain drawbacks. Due to its rigid nature, the waterfall method may be less suitable for projects where requirements change frequently and those where flexibility is paramount. What's more, the risk of discovering errors or shortcomings in the early phases of the project can lead to delays and additional costs when they need to be corrected at a later stage.

    In conclusion, although the waterfall method can be effective in certain contexts, it is not always the ideal solution for all projects. Particularly for complex Drupal projects.

    It is therefore essential to carefully assess not only its advantages and disadvantages, but also the scope of your own project, before deciding to adopt it!

    Agile approaches

    Customer needs are evolving rapidly and flexibility is essential today, so agile approaches have emerged as effective alternatives to traditional project management methods. Two of the most popular agile methodologies are Scrum and Kanban: zoom in on these methods 👇

    Introduction to the Scrum methodology

    Scrum is an agile methodology based on iterative and incremental development cycles,known as "sprints". The Scrum process is based on three main roles:

    • The Product Owner, responsible for defining the features to be developed.
    • The Scrum Master, responsible for facilitating the process and removing obstacles.
    • The development team, responsible for completing tasks.

    Functioning and basic principles

    At the start of each sprint, the development team selects a set of tasks to complete from the backlog of features to be developed.

    During the sprint, the team works to complete the planned tasks, with the aim of delivering a functional and potentially deliverable product at the end of each iteration.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Scrum

    Scrum offers many advantages, the must? A high degree of flexibility and an ability to adapt to change efficiently. What's more, increased transparency and communication between team members promotes harmonious collaboration.

    Aware and adept of the Scrum method, at Parker+Parker many of our projects are carried out using this project management method, for example our Drupal project with our client Geodis.

    However, Scrum can also present challenges that you need to know how to deal with! For example the need for strong implication and commitment from all team members, as well as the complexity of accurately estimating sprint duration.

    Introduction to the Kanban method

    Kanban is a visual agile methodology that focuses on the fluid management of workflow. Based on principles such as limiting work in progress and visualizing processes, Kanban enables teams to follow and optimize their workflow in a continuous manner.

    Functioning and basic principles

    In Kanban, the tasks to be completed are represented by cards, which are moved through a multi-column Kanban board, representing the various stages of the process.

    The aim is to minimize waiting times and optimize workflow efficiency.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Kanban

    Kanban offers great flexibility and increased visibility on the work in progress, enabling work overloads to be detected quickly and adjustments made accordingly. However, Kanban can be less suitable for projects requiring rigid planning and strict deadlines, as it relies more on a continuous flow management approach. In addition, the need for discipline and rigor to keep the Kanban board up to date can be a challenge for some teams.

    Hybrid methods

    Hybrid methods are emerging as a flexible and adaptable solution, combining the best of traditional and agile approaches!

    Two of the most widespread hybrid methodologies are Lean Startupand Prince2, each offering unique perspectives on project management, we explain 👉

    Explanation of the Lean Startup method

    Lean Startup is a methodology that emphasizes the rapid creation of products and services, followed by market validation. Inspired by the principles of Lean Manufacturing, this approach encourages companies to adopt a learning mindset, minimizing waste and maximizing value creation for customers.

    Functioning and basic principles

    The Lean Startup process is based on building a minimum viable product (MVP), a product or service offering just enough functionality to validate the project's basic assumptions. Once the MVP has been developed, the team collects data from users to assess its viability and adjust the product accordingly, in a continuous cycle of building, measurement and learning. This type of methodology makes for more reliable project measurement! But not only that, let's take a look.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Lean Startup

    Lean Startup offers several advantages, including a reduction in development risk by validating ideas quickly and cheaply, as well as the ability to adapt quickly to market changes. However, this approach may be less suited to projects requiring detailed planning or strict deadline management, as it relies more on an iterative and experimental approach.

    Introduction to the Prince2 method

    Prince2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments), is a widely used project management methodology, particularly in government and institutional environments. Structured and adaptable, Prince2 provides a comprehensive framework for planning, executing and monitoring projects, with a particular focus on governance and risk management.

    Fundamental principles and structure

    Simply put, the Prince2 project management methodology is based on seven fundamental principles:

    1. Continuous project justification:

    Ensuring that the project remains economically and strategically viable at every stage.

    1. Learning from experience:

    Build on lessons learned throughout the project to improve it.

    1. Clear roles and responsibilities:

    Clearly define the responsibilities of each team member.

    1. Stage-based management:

    Divide the project into manageable stages to better control risks.

    1. Product-oriented management:

    Maintain constant alignment between the project and project objectives.

    1. Product focus:

    Clearly defining the deliverables expected at each stage of the project.

    1. Adapting to the project environment:

    Adapting the Prince2 method to the size, complexity and context of the project, no matter what!

    Advantages and disadvantages of Prince2

    Prince2 offers several advantages, including its flexibility and ability to adapt to a variety of projects, as well as its clear and well-defined structure.

    However, this approach can be perceived as too rigid or bureaucratic by some teams, requiring adaptation and simplification to suit more agile working environments.

    Comparison of methods and recommendations

    Comparative analysis of the methods presented

    When it comes to choosing the project management method best suited to web projects, it's essential to carefully examine the characteristics of each approach. And sometimes even to be accompanied by a team accustomed to project management!

    However, we offer you a quick comparative analysis of traditional methods, agile approaches and hybrid methods just seen above 👇

    Adaptability to web projects

    Agile methods, such as Scrum and Kanban, stand out for their great adaptability to web projects, characterized by changing requirements and rapid development cycles.

    Their iterative and incremental approach enables greater responsiveness to user feedback and greater flexibility in managing evolving requirements.

    Time and resource management

    In a context where time and resources are often limited, agile methods often prove more efficient, thanks to their ability to optimize workflow and maximize added value for the customer.

    However, traditional methods can offer more rigorous planning and better risk management for certain web projects such as Drupal projects, especially those requiring delivery to strict deadlines or detailed cost forecasting.

    Recommendations for choosing the right method for web projects

    For web projects characterized by changing requirements and high uncertainty, an agile approach such as Scrum or Kanban may be more appropriate, offering greater flexibility and responsiveness to change.

    ❤️ Bonus - our favorite: Scrum

    To conclude

    In the end, the choice of project management method will depend on the specificities of the project, the preferences of the team and the objectives to be achieved. A thorough assessment of project needs and constraints is therefore recommended before anything else.

    So, at Parker+Parker we don't believe there is a perfect method. The waterfall method, for example, will not be suitable for our complex factory-to-site, multisite or Drupal redesign projects.

    However, the agile method is more suitable. It's with our customers that we agree at the start of the project on a hybrid project management method to have all the benefits of each, in a way that's tailored to the project.

    For this, you can get support from experts like Parker+Parker.